Five pillars of habit forming. - Aditya Shroff

  • BY-Aditya Shroff,
  • Standard: IX-E,
  • St.Josephs boys high school,
  • Bangalore.
  • Habits govern our choices and activities on a subconscious level. They significantly influence the psychological development of an individual. New habits can be developed by training the hypothalamus and brain stem. So here are some techniques for building new habits Try to keep your habits congruent to the "goldilocks zone" which suggests that humans experience peak motivation when working on activities that are just outside of their present capacity.

    Focus on consistency rather than accuracy  since consistency establishes a biological clock and makes it possible to start paying attention to an action subconsciously and has a positive ripple effect on accuracy. Keeping a journal to track the constancy of your habits acts as a visual tool that encourages consistency in your habit-building strategy. for instance, you could keep a notebook to measure how frequently you study during a certain time frame. Try to create a suitable work atmosphere that is compatible with the habit you want to cultivate.

    Make the task as accessible as possible since doing so increases the probability of accomplishing a particular activity. You can also amalgamate the previously mentioned strategies and train your habits to be efficient and consistent Another method of developing good habits is avoiding your bad habits and distractions. Make good habits easy to follow and bad ones more challenging. To sum up, habit development may not always be simple, but we must push through the ploy of procrastination and plunge into the sea of perseverance! Go and master those habits!

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