Showing posts from June, 2023

Some Basic Concept of Chemistry PDF

Topic Covers: 1. Basic Concept. 2.Significant Figure 3. Scientific Notations. 4.Accuray. 5.Precision. 6.Laws of conservation of mass. of definite proportion. 8.Law of limiting  reagent. of multiple propertion. 10.Gay Lussac's Law of …

Physical World Chapter1 PDF

Topic Covers- 1.What is science? Types of science. 2.Physics and chemical science. 3.What is Physics? Their branches (Biological, Physical). 4.Their relations with Math, Chemistry , Biology , Geology, Seismology, Meteorology, etc. If any concept you…

Story on Mahabharat By Anindita Basu

The  Mahabharata   is an ancient Indian epic where the main story revolves around two branches of a family - the  Pandavas  and  Kauravas  - who, in the Kurukshetra  War ,  battle  for the throne of Hastinapura. Interwoven into this narrative are seve…

Echoes of the Past: A Journey Through 5000 Years of Indian History

Introduction: India, a land steeped in ancient traditions and rich cultural heritage, holds a history that spans an astounding 5000 years. From the mysterious Indus Valley Civilization to the present day, this book delves into the fascinating tapestry…

The Divine Chronicles: Tales of Hindu Mythology

Chapter 1 : The Creation of the Universe In the beginning, there was nothing but darkness and emptiness. Then, out of the vast expanse, a divine force emerged. Brahma, the creator, appeared with four heads and four arms. He possessed immense knowledge…

The Universe

I n Indian mythology, the concept of the universe is intricately woven into the fabric of ancient scriptures and epics. According to Hindu cosmology, the universe is a vast and intricate creation, with multiple dimensions and realms inhabited by god…

About Lord Shiva's Damburu

O nce upon a time, in the mystical realm of the gods, there lived Lord Shiva, the supreme deity of destruction and transformation. Lord Shiva was known for his enigmatic personality, divine powers, and his penchant for playing musical instruments. One…

Lord Shiva- Mahakal

L ord Shiva, the powerful and enigmatic deity of Hindu mythology, is a complex and multi-faceted divine figure. He is known as the destroyer of evil, the cosmic dancer, and the embodiment of divine consciousness. One fascinating story of Lord Shiva …

Who was Ravana?- Lanka Pati

R avana, a prominent figure in Hindu mythology, was a complex character whose story carries both shades of greatness and moral flaws. Born to the sage Vishrava and the demon princess Kaikesi, Ravana was a powerful and learned being with ten heads an…

The Age of Mahabharata

I n the ancient land of Bharata, a grand saga unfolded known as the Mahabharata. It was a tale of honor, duty, and the timeless battle between righteousness and evil. The story began with two royal families, the Kuru and the Pandava. The Kuru dynast…

Who was Ananta Sesha?

I n the vast expanse of Hindu mythology, there existed a magnificent serpent known as Sesha, or Ananta Sesha. Sesha, with his immense size and countless hoods, served as the divine bed and canopy for Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe. Sesha…

Dharma Yodha Garud - The Fighter

I n the mystical realms of Hindu mythology, there lived a magnificent creature named Garuda. Garuda was a divine eagle, with a body adorned in golden feathers and a wingspan that could darken the sky. He was known as the king of birds and a devoted …

A great God and Goddess-Laxmi Narayan

O nce upon a time, in the celestial realm, there resided the mighty deity Vishnu, known as Narayan, and his eternal consort, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, Lakshmi, known as Laxmi. They were the epitome of divine love and harmony. In the anci…

Bonding Love of Rama Sita

I n the ancient kingdom of Ayodhya, there lived a noble prince named Ram. He was known for his virtue, courage, and unwavering commitment to righteousness. Ram's life took a significant turn when he met the enchanting Sita, a princess of unparal…

Radha Krishna the best couple of the world

O nce upon a time, in the enchanting town of Vrindavan, there lived a beautiful and mischievous cowherd boy named Krishna. He was the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu and possessed divine qualities that attracted the hearts of all who came into contact …

That is All